Dokter Gigi Destri Shofura Gusliana

Drg. Destri Shofura, seorang dokter gigi, praktek di beberapa tempat seperti The Smile Orthodontic & Aesthetic Dental Clinic Rawa Mekar. Ia menyelesaikan pendidikannya di Universitas Indonesia.


  1. Event Division Social Project
  2. Dental Assistant Jambore Bakti Social JAMBAKSOS FKG UI (Desa Ciptasari, Karawang, Jawa Barat)
  3. Staf of Funds Tristique FKG UI
  4. Staf Art and Documentation Open House FKG UI
  5. Daurah Awal Fakultas 16-18 September Bogor
  6. Coordinator of Public Relations Open House FKG UI
  7. Coordinator of Funds Tristique FKG UI
  8. Dental Assistant and Staf of Event Jambore Bakti Social (Desa Sirap, Subang, Jawa Barat)
  9. Artist Ul Art War 2017 Best Performance • Event Division PSAF FKG UI
  10. Dental Assistant and Staf of Funds Kerja Social KERSOS BEM FKG UI
  11. Operator Screener Health Day (STAN, Bintaro)
  12. Operator and Peyuluh in Bulan Kesehatan Gigi Nasional
  13. Operator Social Project SOSPRO FKG UI
  14. Operator Jambore Bakti Social JAMBAKSOS FKG UI (Desa Majasih, Indramayu, Jawa Barat)


  1. 2019 – 2021 Dentist Profession Degree, Faculty of Dentistry,
    Universitas Indonesia
    (GPA 3,77)
  2. 2015 – 2018 S1, Faculty of Dentistry,
    Universitas Indonesia
    (GPA 3.51
jadwal dokter destri